Install and import from @langchain/pinecone instead. Class that extends the VectorStore class and provides methods to interact with the Pinecone vector database.


  • VectorStore
    • PineconeStore



FilterType: PineconeMetadata
caller: AsyncCaller
embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface
filter?: PineconeMetadata
namespace?: string
pineconeIndex: Index<RecordMetadata>
textKey: string


  • Method that adds documents to the Pinecone database.


    • documents: Document<Record<string, any>>[]

      Array of documents to add to the Pinecone database.

    • Optionaloptions: string[] | {
          ids?: string[];

      Optional ids for the documents.

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise that resolves with the ids of the added documents.

  • Method that adds vectors to the Pinecone database.


    • vectors: number[][]

      Array of vectors to add to the Pinecone database.

    • documents: Document<Record<string, any>>[]

      Array of documents associated with the vectors.

    • Optionaloptions: string[] | {
          ids?: string[];

      Optional ids for the vectors.

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise that resolves with the ids of the added vectors.

  • Parameters

    • OptionalkOrFields: number | Partial<VectorStoreRetrieverInput<PineconeStore>>
    • Optionalfilter: PineconeMetadata
    • Optionalcallbacks: Callbacks
    • Optionaltags: string[]
    • Optionalmetadata: Record<string, unknown>
    • Optionalverbose: boolean

    Returns VectorStoreRetriever<PineconeStore>

  • Return documents selected using the maximal marginal relevance. Maximal marginal relevance optimizes for similarity to the query AND diversity among selected documents.


    • query: string

      Text to look up documents similar to.

    • options: MaxMarginalRelevanceSearchOptions<PineconeMetadata>

    Returns Promise<Document<Record<string, any>>[]>

    • List of documents selected by maximal marginal relevance.
  • Parameters

    • query: string
    • Optionalk: number
    • Optionalfilter: PineconeMetadata
    • Optional_callbacks: Callbacks

    Returns Promise<DocumentInterface<Record<string, any>>[]>

  • Method that performs a similarity search in the Pinecone database and returns the results along with their scores.


    • query: number[]

      Query vector for the similarity search.

    • k: number

      Number of top results to return.

    • Optionalfilter: PineconeMetadata

      Optional filter to apply to the search.

    Returns Promise<[Document<Record<string, any>>, number][]>

    Promise that resolves with an array of documents and their scores.

  • Parameters

    • query: string
    • Optionalk: number
    • Optionalfilter: PineconeMetadata
    • Optional_callbacks: Callbacks

    Returns Promise<[DocumentInterface<Record<string, any>>, number][]>

  • Returns Serialized

  • Static method that creates a new instance of the PineconeStore class from documents.


    • docs: Document<Record<string, any>>[]

      Array of documents to add to the Pinecone database.

    • embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface

      Embeddings to use for the documents.

    • dbConfig: PineconeLibArgs

      Configuration for the Pinecone database.

    Returns Promise<PineconeStore>

    Promise that resolves with a new instance of the PineconeStore class.

  • Static method that creates a new instance of the PineconeStore class from texts.


    • texts: string[]

      Array of texts to add to the Pinecone database.

    • metadatas: object | object[]

      Metadata associated with the texts.

    • embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface

      Embeddings to use for the texts.

    • dbConfig: PineconeLibArgs | {
          namespace?: string;
          pineconeIndex: Index<RecordMetadata>;
          textKey?: string;

      Configuration for the Pinecone database.

    Returns Promise<PineconeStore>

    Promise that resolves with a new instance of the PineconeStore class.