Class that extends the BaseTracer class from the langchain.callbacks.tracers.base module. It represents a callback handler that logs the execution of runs and emits RunLog instances to a RunLogStream.

Hierarchy (view full)



autoClose: boolean = true
awaitHandlers: boolean = ...
excludeNames?: string[]
excludeTags?: string[]
excludeTypes?: string[]
ignoreAgent: boolean = false
ignoreChain: boolean = false
ignoreCustomEvent: boolean = false
ignoreLLM: boolean = false
ignoreRetriever: boolean = false
includeNames?: string[]
includeTags?: string[]
includeTypes?: string[]
name: string = "log_stream_tracer"
raiseError: boolean = false
rootId?: string
runMap: Map<string, Run> = ...
transformStream: TransformStream<any, any>
writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<any>


  • Called at the end of a Chain run, with the outputs and the run ID.


    • outputs: ChainValues
    • runId: string
    • Optional_parentRunId: string
    • Optional_tags: string[]
    • Optionalkwargs: {
          inputs?: Record<string, unknown>;
      • Optionalinputs?: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called if a Chain run encounters an error


    • error: unknown
    • runId: string
    • Optional_parentRunId: string
    • Optional_tags: string[]
    • Optionalkwargs: {
          inputs?: Record<string, unknown>;
      • Optionalinputs?: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called at the start of a Chain run, with the chain name and inputs and the run ID.


    • chain: Serialized
    • inputs: ChainValues
    • runId: string
    • OptionalparentRunId: string
    • Optionaltags: string[]
    • Optionalmetadata: KVMap
    • OptionalrunType: string
    • Optionalname: string

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called at the start of a Chat Model run, with the prompt(s) and the run ID.


    • llm: Serialized
    • messages: BaseMessage[][]
    • runId: string
    • OptionalparentRunId: string
    • OptionalextraParams: KVMap
    • Optionaltags: string[]
    • Optionalmetadata: KVMap
    • Optionalname: string

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called when an LLM/ChatModel in streaming mode produces a new token


    • token: string
    • idx: NewTokenIndices

      idx.prompt is the index of the prompt that produced the token (if there are multiple prompts) idx.completion is the index of the completion that produced the token (if multiple completions per prompt are requested)

    • runId: string
    • Optional_parentRunId: string
    • Optional_tags: string[]
    • Optionalfields: HandleLLMNewTokenCallbackFields

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called at the start of an LLM or Chat Model run, with the prompt(s) and the run ID.


    • llm: Serialized
    • prompts: string[]
    • runId: string
    • OptionalparentRunId: string
    • OptionalextraParams: KVMap
    • Optionaltags: string[]
    • Optionalmetadata: KVMap
    • Optionalname: string

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called at the start of a Tool run, with the tool name and input and the run ID.


    • tool: Serialized
    • input: string
    • runId: string
    • OptionalparentRunId: string
    • Optionaltags: string[]
    • Optionalmetadata: KVMap
    • Optionalname: string

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • runId: string
    • output: AsyncGenerator<T, any, unknown>

    Returns AsyncGenerator<T, any, unknown>