Specialized translator class that extends the BasicTranslator. It is designed to work with PineconeStore, a type of vector store in LangChain. The class is initialized with a set of allowed operators and comparators, which are used in the translation process to construct queries and compare results.

const selfQueryRetriever = SelfQueryRetriever.fromLLM({
llm: new ChatOpenAI(),
vectorStore: new PineconeStore(),
documentContents: "Brief summary of a movie",
attributeInfo: [],
structuredQueryTranslator: new PineconeTranslator(),

const queryResult = await selfQueryRetriever.getRelevantDocuments(
"Which movies are directed by Greta Gerwig?",

Type Parameters

  • T extends VectorStoreInterface

Hierarchy (view full)



VisitComparisonOutput: VisitorComparisonResult
VisitOperationOutput: VisitorOperationResult
VisitStructuredQueryOutput: VisitorStructuredQueryResult
allowedComparators: Comparator[]
allowedOperators: Operator[]


  • Formats a given function (either an operator or a comparator) into a string.


    Returns string

    Formatted string representation of the function.
