Configuration interface for the ZepRetriever class. Extends the BaseRetrieverInput interface.

sessionId - The ID of the Zep session.

[apiKey] - The Zep Cloud Project Key.

[topK] - The number of results to return.

[searchScope] [searchScope] - The scope of the search: "messages" or "summary".

[searchType] [searchType] - The type of search to perform: "similarity" or "mmr".

[mmrLambda] - The lambda value for the MMR search.

[filter] - The metadata filter to apply to the search.

interface ZepCloudRetrieverConfig {
    apiKey: string;
    callbacks?: Callbacks;
    filter?: Record<string, unknown>;
    metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;
    mmrLambda?: number;
    searchScope?: SearchScope;
    searchType?: SearchType;
    sessionId: string;
    tags?: string[];
    topK?: number;
    verbose?: boolean;


  • BaseRetrieverInput
    • ZepCloudRetrieverConfig


apiKey: string
callbacks?: Callbacks
filter?: Record<string, unknown>
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>
mmrLambda?: number
searchScope?: SearchScope
searchType?: SearchType
sessionId: string
tags?: string[]
topK?: number
verbose?: boolean