• Import from "@langchain/community/document_loaders/web/sitemap" instead. This entrypoint will be removed in 0.3.0.

Interface representing the parameters for initializing a SitemapLoader. SitemapLoaderParams

interface SitemapLoaderParams {
    chunkSize?: number;
    filterUrls?: (string | RegExp)[];
    maxConcurrency?: number;
    maxRetries?: number;
    onFailedAttempt?: FailedAttemptHandler;
    selector?: SelectorType;
    textDecoder?: TextDecoder;
    timeout?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


chunkSize?: number

The size to chunk the sitemap URLs into for scraping.

filterUrls?: (string | RegExp)[]
maxConcurrency?: number

The maximum number of concurrent calls that can be made. Defaults to Infinity, which means no limit.

maxRetries?: number

The maximum number of retries that can be made for a single call, with an exponential backoff between each attempt. Defaults to 6.

onFailedAttempt?: FailedAttemptHandler

Custom handler to handle failed attempts. Takes the originally thrown error object as input, and should itself throw an error if the input error is not retryable.

selector?: SelectorType

The selector to use to extract the text from the document. Defaults to "body".

textDecoder?: TextDecoder

The text decoder to use to decode the response. Defaults to UTF-8.

timeout?: number

The timeout in milliseconds for the fetch request. Defaults to 10s.
