SubmitParams: {
    audio_end_at: undefined | number;
    audio_start_from: undefined | number;
    auto_chapters: undefined | boolean;
    auto_highlights: undefined | boolean;
    boost_param: undefined | TranscriptBoostParam;
    content_safety: undefined | boolean;
    content_safety_confidence: undefined | number;
    custom_spelling: undefined | TranscriptCustomSpelling[];
    custom_topics: undefined | boolean;
    disfluencies: undefined | boolean;
    dual_channel: undefined | boolean;
    entity_detection: undefined | boolean;
    filter_profanity: undefined | boolean;
    format_text: undefined | boolean;
    iab_categories: undefined | boolean;
    language_code: undefined | null | LiteralUnion<TranscriptLanguageCode, string>;
    language_detection: undefined | boolean;
    punctuate: undefined | boolean;
    redact_pii: undefined | boolean;
    redact_pii_audio: undefined | boolean;
    redact_pii_audio_quality: undefined | RedactPiiAudioQuality;
    redact_pii_policies: undefined | PiiPolicy[];
    redact_pii_sub: undefined | null | SubstitutionPolicy;
    sentiment_analysis: undefined | boolean;
    speaker_labels: undefined | boolean;
    speakers_expected: undefined | null | number;
    speech_model: undefined | null | SpeechModel;
    speech_threshold: undefined | null | number;
    summarization: undefined | boolean;
    summary_model: undefined | SummaryModel;
    summary_type: undefined | SummaryType;
    topics: undefined | string[];
    webhook_auth_header_name: undefined | null | string;
    webhook_auth_header_value: undefined | null | string;
    webhook_url: undefined | string;
    word_boost: undefined | string[];

The parameters to start the transcription of an audio file.
