Install and import from "@langchain/cloudflare" instead.


  • Embeddings
    • CloudflareWorkersAIEmbeddings



ai: Ai
batchSize: number = 50
caller: AsyncCaller

The async caller should be used by subclasses to make any async calls, which will thus benefit from the concurrency and retry logic.

model: string = "@cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5"
modelName: string = "@cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5"
stripNewLines: boolean = true


  • An abstract method that takes an array of documents as input and returns a promise that resolves to an array of vectors for each document.


    • texts: string[]

    Returns Promise<number[][]>

    A promise that resolves to an array of vectors for each document.

  • An abstract method that takes a single document as input and returns a promise that resolves to a vector for the query document.


    • text: string

    Returns Promise<number[]>

    A promise that resolves to a vector for the query document.
