Interface ExaRetrieverFields<T>

Interface for the fields required during the initialization of a ExaRetriever instance. It extends the BaseRetrieverInput interface and adds a client field of type Exa.

interface ExaRetrieverFields<T> {
    callbacks?: Callbacks;
    client: Exa;
    metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;
    searchArgs?: BaseSearchOptions & {
        type?: string;
        useAutoprompt?: boolean;
    } & T;
    tags?: string[];
    verbose?: boolean;

Type Parameters

  • T extends ContentsOptions = {
        text: true;


  • BaseRetrieverInput
    • ExaRetrieverFields


callbacks?: Callbacks
client: Exa
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>
searchArgs?: BaseSearchOptions & {
    type?: string;
    useAutoprompt?: boolean;
} & T
tags?: string[]
verbose?: boolean