PostgresChatMessageHistoryInput: {
    escapeTableName?: boolean;
    pool?: pg.Pool;
    poolConfig?: pg.PoolConfig;
    sessionId: string;
    tableName?: string;

Type definition for the input parameters required when instantiating a PostgresChatMessageHistory object.

Type declaration

  • OptionalescapeTableName?: boolean

    If true, the table name will be escaped. ('lAnGcHaIn' will be escaped to '"lAnGcHaIn"')

  • Optionalpool?: pg.Pool

    Postgres pool to use. If provided the PostgresChatMessageHistory object will use the provided pool. Otherwise it will create a new pool using the provided configuration.

  • OptionalpoolConfig?: pg.PoolConfig

    Configuration object for the Postgres pool. If provided the PostgresChatMessageHistory object will create a new pool using the provided configuration. Otherwise it will use the provided pool.

  • sessionId: string

    Session ID to use when storing and retrieving chat message history.

  • OptionaltableName?: string

    Name of the table to use when storing and retrieving chat message
