Class for storing and retrieving chat message history from a PlanetScale database. Extends the BaseListChatMessageHistory class.

const chatHistory = new PlanetScaleChatMessageHistory({
tableName: "stored_message",
sessionId: "lc-example",
config: {
const chain = new ConversationChain({
llm: new ChatOpenAI(),
memory: chatHistory,
const response = await chain.invoke({
input: "What did I just say my name was?",
console.log({ response });


  • BaseListChatMessageHistory
    • PlanetScaleChatMessageHistory



client: Client


  • Parameters

    • message: string

    Returns Promise<void>

    Use addAIMessage instead

  • This is a convenience method for adding an AI message string to the store. Please note that this is a convenience method. Code should favor the bulk addMessages interface instead to save on round-trips to the underlying persistence layer. This method may be deprecated in a future release.


    • message: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Method to add a new message to the PlanetScale database for the current session.


    • message: BaseMessage

      The BaseMessage object to be added to the database.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that resolves to void.

  • Add a list of messages.

    Implementations should override this method to handle bulk addition of messages in an efficient manner to avoid unnecessary round-trips to the underlying store.


    • messages: BaseMessage[]

      A list of BaseMessage objects to store.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • This is a convenience method for adding a human message string to the store. Please note that this is a convenience method. Code should favor the bulk addMessages interface instead to save on round-trips to the underlying persistence layer. This method may be deprecated in a future release.


    • message: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Method to retrieve all messages from the PlanetScale database for the current session.

    Returns Promise<BaseMessage[]>

    Promise that resolves to an array of BaseMessage objects.

  • Returns Serialized
