Module @langchain/nomic - v0.0.6


This package contains the LangChain.js integrations for Nomic via the @nomic-ai/atlas package.

npm install @langchain/nomic

This package adds support for Nomic embeddings.

Currently, they offer two embeddings models:

  • nomic-embed-text-v1
  • nomic-embed-text-v1.5

nomic-embed-text-v1.5 allows for you to customize the number of dimensions returned. It defaults to the largest possible number of dimensions (768), or you can select 64, 128, 256, or 512.

Now set the necessary environment variable (or pass it in via the constructor):

import { NomicEmbeddings } from "@langchain/nomic";

const nomicEmbeddings = new NomicEmbeddings({
apiKey: process.env.NOMIC_API_KEY, // Default value.
modelName: "nomic-embed-text-v1", // Default value.

const docs = [
"hello world",
"nomic embeddings!",
"super special langchain integration package",
"what color is the sky?",

const embeddings = await nomicEmbeddings.embedDocuments(docs);

To develop the @langchain/nomic package, you'll need to follow these instructions:

yarn install
yarn build

Or from the repo root:

yarn build --filter=@langchain/nomic

Test files should live within a tests/ file in the src/ folder. Unit tests should end in .test.ts and integration tests should end in .int.test.ts:

$ yarn test
$ yarn test:int

Run the linter & formatter to ensure your code is up to standard:

yarn lint && yarn format

If you add a new file to be exported, either import & re-export from src/index.ts, or add it to the entrypoints field in the config variable located inside langchain.config.js and run yarn build to generate the new entrypoint.




Type Aliases
