Type Alias StructuredOutputChainInput<T> StructuredOutputChainInput < T > : { callbackManager ?: undefined | CallbackManager ; callbacks ?: undefined | Callbacks ; llm ?: undefined | BaseChatModel < BaseFunctionCallOptions , BaseMessageChunk > ; llmKwargs : any ; memory ?: undefined | BaseMemory ; metadata ?: undefined | Record < string , unknown > ; outputKey : undefined | string ; outputSchema ?: undefined | JsonSchema7Type ; prompt : BasePromptTemplate < any , BasePromptValueInterface , any > ; tags ?: undefined | string [] ; verbose ?: undefined | boolean ; zodSchema ?: undefined | T ; } Type Parameters T extends z.AnyZodObject = z.AnyZodObject Type declaration Optional
callbackManager ?: undefined | CallbackManager Optional
callbacks ?: undefined | Callbacks Optional
llm ?: undefined | BaseChatModel < BaseFunctionCallOptions , BaseMessageChunk > llmKwargs : any Optional
memory ?: undefined | BaseMemory Optional
metadata ?: undefined | Record < string , unknown > outputKey : undefined | string Optional
outputSchema ?: undefined | JsonSchema7Type prompt : BasePromptTemplate < any , BasePromptValueInterface , any > Optional
tags ?: undefined | string [] Optional
verbose ?: undefined | boolean Optional
zodSchema ?: undefined | T
" "
Type representing the input for creating a structured output chain. It extends the LLMChainInput type and includes an additional 'outputSchema' field representing the JSON schema for the expected output.