interface BedrockChatCallOptions {
    callbacks?: Callbacks;
    configurable?: Record<string, any>;
    maxConcurrency?: number;
    metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;
    recursionLimit?: number;
    runId?: string;
    runName?: string;
    signal?: AbortSignal;
    stop?: string[];
    tags?: string[];
    timeout?: number;
    tool_choice?: ToolChoice;
    tools?: BedrockChatToolType[];


  • BaseChatModelCallOptions
    • BedrockChatCallOptions


callbacks?: Callbacks

Callbacks for this call and any sub-calls (eg. a Chain calling an LLM). Tags are passed to all callbacks, metadata is passed to handle*Start callbacks.

configurable?: Record<string, any>

Runtime values for attributes previously made configurable on this Runnable, or sub-Runnables.

maxConcurrency?: number

Maximum number of parallel calls to make.

metadata?: Record<string, unknown>

Metadata for this call and any sub-calls (eg. a Chain calling an LLM). Keys should be strings, values should be JSON-serializable.

recursionLimit?: number

Maximum number of times a call can recurse. If not provided, defaults to 25.

runId?: string

Unique identifier for the tracer run for this call. If not provided, a new UUID will be generated.

runName?: string

Name for the tracer run for this call. Defaults to the name of the class.

signal?: AbortSignal

Abort signal for this call. If provided, the call will be aborted when the signal is aborted.

stop?: string[]

Stop tokens to use for this call. If not provided, the default stop tokens for the model will be used.

tags?: string[]

Tags for this call and any sub-calls (eg. a Chain calling an LLM). You can use these to filter calls.

timeout?: number

Timeout for this call in milliseconds.

tool_choice?: ToolChoice

Specifies how the chat model should use tools.


Possible values:
- "auto": The model may choose to use any of the provided tools, or none.
- "any": The model must use one of the provided tools.
- "none": The model must not use any tools.
- A string (not "auto", "any", or "none"): The name of a specific tool the model must use.
- An object: A custom schema specifying tool choice parameters. Specific to the provider.

Note: Not all providers support tool_choice. An error will be thrown
if used with an unsupported model.
tools?: BedrockChatToolType[]