interface ClientOptions {
    apiKey?: string;
    baseURL?: null | string;
    dangerouslyAllowBrowser?: boolean;
    defaultHeaders?: Headers;
    defaultQuery?: DefaultQuery;
    fetch?: Fetch;
    httpAgent?: Agent;
    maxRetries?: number;
    organization?: null | string;
    project?: null | string;
    timeout?: number;


apiKey?: string

Defaults to process.env['OPENAI_API_KEY'].

baseURL?: null | string

Override the default base URL for the API, e.g., ""

Defaults to process.env['OPENAI_BASE_URL'].

dangerouslyAllowBrowser?: boolean

By default, client-side use of this library is not allowed, as it risks exposing your secret API credentials to attackers. Only set this option to true if you understand the risks and have appropriate mitigations in place.

defaultHeaders?: Headers

Default headers to include with every request to the API.

These can be removed in individual requests by explicitly setting the header to undefined or null in request options.

defaultQuery?: DefaultQuery

Default query parameters to include with every request to the API.

These can be removed in individual requests by explicitly setting the param to undefined in request options.

fetch?: Fetch

Specify a custom fetch function implementation.

If not provided, we use node-fetch on Node.js and otherwise expect that fetch is defined globally.

httpAgent?: Agent

An HTTP agent used to manage HTTP(S) connections.

If not provided, an agent will be constructed by default in the Node.js environment, otherwise no agent is used.

maxRetries?: number

The maximum number of times that the client will retry a request in case of a temporary failure, like a network error or a 5XX error from the server.

organization?: null | string

Defaults to process.env['OPENAI_ORG_ID'].

project?: null | string

Defaults to process.env['OPENAI_PROJECT_ID'].

timeout?: number

The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that the client should wait for a response from the server before timing out a single request.

Note that request timeouts are retried by default, so in a worst-case scenario you may wait much longer than this timeout before the promise succeeds or fails.
